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IRPA 移民法15(1)规定:An officer is authorized to proceed with an examination if a person makes an application to the officer in accordance with this Act or if an application is made under subsection 11(1.01). 简而言之,如果申请者向CBSA官提出申请,该官员有权对申请者进行相应的检查。

IRPR 移民法条例第28(b)规定:For the purposes of subsection 15(1) of the Act, a person makes an application in accordance with the Act by (b) seeking to enter Canada; 如果有人要寻求加拿大而提出申请。


  • 18(1) Subject to the regulations, every person seeking to enter Canada must appear for an examination to determine whether that person has a right to enter Canada or is or may become authorized to enter and remain in Canada.


二、CBSA审查时间线 Examination Timeline

移民法条例IRPR 37条规定什么时候在口岸审查结束,有四种情况:

1.A final determination is made that the person has a right to enter Canada, or is authorized to enter Canada, and leaves the port of entry. CBSA官员决定此申请者有权利进入加拿大,或被授权进入加拿大,离开边境口岸。

需要注意的是,审查并不仅仅因为护照上盖了章就结束了。 相反,只要该申请者没有离开入境口岸的控制区域,CBSA官员可以重新决定是否允许该申请者入境。

2.A person in transit departs Canada. 过境的人已经离开加拿大。举例,比如说你通过加拿大转机,然后你离开加拿大,那么CBSA对你的审查结束

3.The person is allowed to leave Canada and an officer verifies their departure from Canada.



4.a decision in respect of the person is made under subsection 44(2) of the Act and the person leaves the port of entry.

如果申请者被签发了44(2)报告,CBSA 官员将禁止入境加拿大的申请者转交给IRB-Immigration Division举行听证会,以确定该人是否属于禁止进入加拿大的情况。

三、CBSA 边境审查流程

当一个人通过入境口岸时,他们遇到的第一个人是在主要检查线(Primary Inspection Line“PIL”)工作的边境官。 在主要检查线工作的 边境官在确定个人的入境资格时有两种选择:


(2) 将其转介至更高级别的边境官进行额外的检查。

1.主要检查线 Primary Inspection Line


2.二次检查 Secondary Examnation

如果在主要检查线工作的边境官可能会属于禁止进入加拿大的情况,那么他会转交给更高级别的官员进行审查。如果二次检查结束,边境官认为你属于进入加拿大的情况,那么顺利进入加拿大。如果二次检查的边境官认为你属于禁止进入加拿大的情况,那么边境官会考虑是否签发A44 报告。

IRPA 44条说的是,如果一个边境官员(CBSA Officer)认为申请人不被允许进入加拿大,那么应该写一个报告,并把这个报告提供给移民局的官员(IRCC Officer),如果这个移民局的官员认为这个报告言之有据(well-founded),就可以签发递解令(Removal Order)。



如果边境官决定签发A44报告,那么他会转交给部长代表(Minister's delegate)。如果部长认为申请者允许进入加拿大,那么顺利入境加拿大。如果部长代表认为申请者属于禁止进入加拿大的情况,部长代表要么会根据移民法条例228条的规定,签发removal order,要么会根据IRPA 44(2)的规定,转交给IRB-immigration division部门。

Removal order分三种情况,

a. 离境令 (Departure Order):离境令要求在该令生效后30天内,申请人必须离开加 拿大,而且需要和海关CBSA确认离开加拿大。如果在离开加拿大的时候遵循了政 府的要求,则之后还可以入境加拿大。如果未能在30天之内离开加拿大或者离境 时忘了和CBSA确认离境,那么离境令则自动升级我驱逐令。

b. 排除令(Exclusion Order):收到排除令的人通常会被禁止入境1年;如果希望在12 个月内返回加拿大,则需要申请加拿大的入境授权方可入境。如果因移民/签证作 假而被发排除令,则五年内不可返回加拿大。

c. 驱逐令(Deportation Order):驱逐令代表永久不能返回加拿大,除非申请加拿大入境 授权ARC (Authorization to Return to Canada)。一旦遣返令生效,则必须离开加拿大。如果未能在遣返要求的日期内出现在海关,CBSA将发布全加拿大范围内的逮捕令。一旦被捕,CBSA会立刻拘留,并且为了确保离境,CBSA将会指派一名护送人员送离出境。



(1)IRPA 23

a officer may authorize a person to enter Canada for the purpose of further examination or an admissibility hearing.


(2)IRPA 55(3) 边境拘留

Detention on entry

(3) A permanent resident or a foreign national may, on entry into Canada, be detained if an officer

  • (a) considers it necessary to do so in order for the examination to be completed; or

  • (b) has reasonable grounds to suspect that the permanent resident or the foreign national is inadmissible on grounds of security, violating human or international rights, sanctions, serious criminality, criminality or organized criminality.

拘留令表格为 BSF304。 它通常附有《维也纳公约》赋予的权利通知。

(3)IRPA 55(2)无拘留令的逮捕和拘留


Section 55(2) of the IRPA states that an officer may, without a warrant, arrest and detain a foreign national, other than a protected person:

  • who the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is inadmissible and is a danger to the public;

  • who the officer has reasonable grounds to believe is unlikely to appear for examination, an admissibility hearing, removal from Canada, or at a proceeding that could lead to the making of a removal order; or

  • if the officer is not satisfied of the identity of the foreign national in the course of any procedure under this Act.

(4)IRPR 42(1)撤销申请

Withdrawing application

  • 42(1) Subject to subsection (2), an officer who examines a foreign national who is seeking to enter Canada and who has indicated that they want to withdraw their application to enter Canada shall allow the foreign national to withdraw their application and leave Canada.


(5)IRPA 40(1)无法被检查 书面形式通知离开加拿大

IRPR 规定,如果官员无法在入境口岸对寻求进入加拿大的人进行检查,则应以书面形式指示该人离开加拿大。 此动作最常在入境口岸使用,并且经常发生在个人醉酒且无法接受适当检查的情况下。通知离开加拿大的表格是BSF503.

(6) IRPR 41 暂时返回美国


(7) 签发TRP temporary resident permit IRPA24(1)

在某些情况下,海关官员可能会批准不准进入加拿大的人员入境。移民法 IRPA 第 24(1) 条规定,如果官员认为外国人无法属于进入加拿大的情况或不符合本法的要求,则该外国人将成为临时居民:它在当时的情况下是合理的,并颁发临时居民许可证(“TRP”),该许可证可能随时被取消。

(8) IRPR 45(1) 交保证金入境

IRPR 规定,CBSA边境官可以要求寻求进入加拿大的个人或团体向 CBSA 支付押金或提供担保人,或两者兼而有之,以遵守所施加的任何条件。

四、边境出现问题 应该如何应对?



若想上诉,您需要在驱逐令签发之日起的30日内向IRB-Immigration Appeal Division (IAD) 提交书面上诉书。


申请以后,会有stay of removal order,除非有法院的最终决定。

3.申请PRRA pre-removal risk assessment

您可申请遣返前风险评估(PRRA) 。


您可尝试以人道和同情的理由 (humanitarian and compassionate grounds) 申请留在加拿大。

来自CBSA官网:Overview of the Removals Program

Q3. What recourse mechanisms are available?

There are a number of mechanisms available. Persons who are deemed to be inadmissible to Canada can, in certain circumstances, seek re-dress at the Immigration Appeal Division. An individual may file an application for leave and judicial review before the Federal Court against any decision made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. In certain instances, these applications can result in an automatic stay of removal until a decision is rendered by the courts. In instances where the application does not trigger an automatic stay, the individual may ask the Federal Court to grant a stay of removal pending the judicial review. If the court grants the request and stays the removal, the CBSA must comply with the Court order and not remove the individual until the case has been resolved.

备注:以上信息来源于CBSA Officer Induction Training Program手册。


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