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A 女生完成在滑铁卢大学本科的学习并且申请到了多伦多大学的研究生。她已经拿到成绩单并且拿到了多伦多大学的录取信,并且现在已经申请了学签续签;



She must have already been able to work off campus during her previous studies.


She must have had a valid study permit, or she applied to extend her study permit before it expired and will start her new program within 150 days of receiving the confirmation of completing the previous program.


She must have received written confirmation from her current school that she completed her program and received a letter of acceptance to a new full-time study program at a DLI.

An international student may apply to renew a study permit if the following conditions are met:

(1) the renewal application is made before the expiry of the current study permit (s. 217(1)(a) of the IRPR);

(2)all conditions imposed on entry into Canada have been complied with (s. 217(1)(b) of the IRPR); and

(3)the student is in compliance with the eligibility criteria for a study permit pursuant o s. 216 of the IRPR

Given that it may take some time to process a renewal, an international student is allowed to continue studying in Canada with an expired permit on "implied status" if the following conditions are met:

(1)the renewal application was made before the expiry of the current study permit;

(2)the student has remained in Canada since the expiry of the study permit; and

(3)the student continues to comply with the conditions, other than the expiry date, set out o the expired study permit.

a student may work full time off campus after completing their program of study if they:

(1)meet the work permit exemption criteria per s. 186(v) of the IRPR;

(2)received written confirmation of program completion from their institution;

(3)Submitted an application to extend their temporary resident status s a student while holding a valid study permit; and

(4)Have been issued a letter of acceptance to a subsequent program of full time study at a DLI and will be starting the new program within 150 days of receiving notification of program completion from the institution of their previous program of study.


B同学在Brock University完成了三年的课程,他准备第四年转到多大学习,他需要转校的事情申请新的学签吗?


Post secondary international students may transfer between institutions or change programs, fields, or levels of study (e.g. From a bachelor's level to a master's level) without applying for a change to the conditions of their study permit.

Further, as stipulated in the IRCC operations manuals, post-secondary relative to students changing schools, it is important to note that the school the student plans to change to must also be a DLI. The student must inform IRCC each time they change post-secondary schools. Specifically, post-secondary studies include:


(2)community college, CEGEP, institute

(3)private university, career college, academy, school or training institution and

(4)ESL/FSL and other language training

3. 全日制学生才能豁免工签要求




whether on- or off-campus, it is important to note that international students may only work without a work permit while they are pursuing their studies. Per the IRCC operational manuals, they must stop working on-campus:

(1)on the day the student stops studying full-time

(2)when the student's study permit expires

(3)if the student is on an authorized leave from your studies

(4)if the student is switching schools and aren't currently studying





"on campus" is defined as the employment facilities within the boundaries of the campus. It is important to note, however, that a student may only work on the campus of the educational institution at which she is enrolled. Students may work for a range of on-campus employers, including, but not limited to, the institution, a faculty, a student organization, and a private business located on campus even if the general public is served, or the student may become self-employed on campus.




She can work at both campus location because she is working as a research assistant and as a tutorial leader.

"on-campus" means an international student can work at all the buildings on his/her school campus. If his/her school has more than one campus, he/she may only work at the campus where she's studying in most cases. However, an international student can work at other locations if

(1)working as a teaching or research assistant and

(2)work is strictly related to a research grant

6. 开学前早到 是否可以开始工作


答案:不可以,在正式开始她的学习计划之前,F 无法开始校内或校外工作;


Although international students are expected to have sufficient funds to attend school in Canada, the reality is that most will need to work to earn extra income while here. This need is recognized by IRCC and as such, allows students to work without a work permit (either on campus or off campus) while in Canada. The exception to this rule is that if the work is part of a co-op or intern program in which case, a proper work permit must be applied for.

s. 186(f) of the IRPR allows a FN to work in Canada without a work permit "if they are a full-time student, on the campus of the university or college at which they are a full-time student, for the period for which they hold a study permit to study at that university or college."

7. 学签失效 申请PGWP 是否可以工作



FNs currently in possession of a valid study permit who are about to graduate from a post secondary institution may apply for an open work permit under the Post Graduate Work Permit (PGWP) program.

foreign students may be eligible to work off campus on a full-time basis without a work permit per s. 186(w) of the IRPR if they completed their program of study and they are waiting for a decision on their application for a work permit such as a PWGP.

his study permit had already expired by the time he submitted his application to transition from a study permit holder to an PGWP holder. As such, since he did not hold a valid study permit at the time of application, he cannot work full time while he waits for his PGWP. He must wait until his PGWP is granted.



he applied for his PGWP within the required time frames and his study permit was still valid at the time of his application to transition from a study permit holder to an PGWP holder. As such, pursuant to s. 186(w) of the IRPR, he is authorized to work full time off campus while he waits for his PGWP.

8 校内 校外 和假期工作时间要求


Students are not restricted to a maximum number of hours per week when engaging on campus employment, assuming they continue to meet the applicable eligibility requirements and continue to actively pursue their studies in accordance with s. 220.1(1)(b) of the IRPR and subject to the limitations found in provincial employment standards act.

(2)校外:正常不超过20小时 现在有特殊政策

The IRPR stipulates that international students may work off campus for a maximum of 20 hours per week during their regular academic sessions, but full time during scheduled breaks such as winter/summer holidays and/or reading week, as well as during their transitional period to a PWGP (if applicable)

Under the current public policy addressing labor shortage, from November 15, 2022 until December 2023, international students who are in Canada and who have off-campus work authorization on their study permit will not be restricted by the 20-hour-per-week rule. Foreign nationals who have already submitted a study permit application, as of today, will also be able to benefit from this temporary change, provided their application is approved.

(3)学期之间break 工作:可以按照全职工作

As further indicated in the IRCC operations manuals, during scheduled breaks in the school year,

(a)International students can work full-time if on a scheduled break, such as winter and summer holidays, or a fall or spring reading week. They are free to work overtime or work 2 part-time jobs that add up to a higher than usual number of hours.

(b)International students must be a full-time student both before and after the break to work full-time.

(c)International students can't work during a break that comes before he/she starts their very first school semester.

9.就读语言班或旅转学 打工



A student who is taking an English or French as a second language (ESL/FSL) course would not meet the requirements to work off campus without a work permit.

Lastly, per the IRCC operations manual, students are not eligible for the off-campus work permit program if either of the following applies:

(1)they are registered in a general interest program of study that does not meet the definition of an academic, professional or vocational training program as defined above (for instance, ESL/FSL courses for self-improvement)

(2)they are undertaking a course or program of study that is a prerequisite to their enrolment at a DLI




a study permit renewal application must be made before the expiry of the current study permit.

IRCC operations manuals suggests that if a student wishes to keep studying, he/she must apply to extend his/her permit at least 30 days before it expires, but the regulations themselves are silent as to a certain timeframe that a student must submit their application to IRCC.




If the applicant's status in Canada has lapsed and the applicant therefore does not hold valid status, the applicant must submit an application for restoration of status per s. 182(1) of the IRPR. The restoration application must be submitted within 90 days of the lapse in status and per IRCC's guidance, its must be indicated that a request to restore status is being made on the application. It is also important to note that each respective government processing fees are required when seeking restoration and a new study permit without which the application will be deemed incomplete.

Per IRCC's operations manuals, if a study permit expires but the foreign student keeps meeting the requirements of their stay and they respect the conditions of their study permit, the foreign student may apply to restore their status as a student.




study permits are usually valid for the length of the study program plus an extra 90 days.

Per the IRCC operation manuals, if a student finishes their studies earlier than expected

(1)Your study permit will expire on whichever date comes first:

(2)the date marked on the permit or

(3)90 days after the day you complete your studies

12.最后一个学期 校外兼职规定



students with a part-time course load in their final academic session may still be eligible to work in Canada pursuant to s. 186(v) up to 20 hours per week during a regular academic session and full time during regularly scheduled breaks between academic sessions if they maintained full time status for the duration of their program of study and the part time course load in the final sessions is required to complete their program of study.

Further, per the IRCC operations manuals, if an FN is a part-time student, they can work off campus only if:

(1)They meet all of the requirements above and 

(2)They're only studying part-time, instead of full-time, because:

(3)They're in the last semester of their study program and they don't need a full course load to complete their program and

(4)They were a full-time student in their program in Canada up until their last semester



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