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LMIA exemption codes – International Mobility Program

根据《移民和难民保护条例》(IRPR) 第 204 至 208 条规定监管机构可以根据第 200(1)(c)(i) -(ii.1) 规定向不需要劳动力市场影响评估 (LMIA) 的工人签发工作许可证。


一、A25.2: Public policies 公共政策

Guidance for special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada


二、R204: International agreements or arrangements 国际协议

(一)R204(a) Canada-international exemption codes


(二)R204(b) Provincial/territorial-international exemption codes

T13 Nominated by a province for permanent residence 省提名项目

C18 Atlantic Immigration Program AIP 大西洋移民项目

三、R205: Canadian interests 加拿大利益

(一)R205(a) Significant benefit exemption codes 重大利益豁免代码

C10 Significant benefit


C11 Self-employed business owner


C62 Intra-company transferee (ICT) – Executive, Senior or Functional manager 公司内部调动人员 (ICT) – 执行官、高级或职能经理

Unique work situations:Airline personnel (station managers)

C63 ICT – Specialized knowledge 专业人员

C61 ICT – employees starting a branch or affiliate 员工开设分支机构或分支机构

C13 Emergency repair or repair personnel for out-of-warranty equipment 保修期外设备的抢修或维修人员

C14 Television and film production workers 影视制作工作者

C15 Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot 北方试点项目

C17 Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot spouses 北方试点项目配偶

C16 Francophone mobility 法语流动性项目

A71 Live-in caregivers whose permanent residence application is submitted 已经提交永久居留申请的住家保姆

C90 Caregivers whose permanent residence application is submitted under the Home Child Care Provider Pilot (HCCPP) or Home Support Worker Pilot (HSWP) 根据家庭托儿服务提供者试点 (HCCPP) 或家庭支持工作者试点 (HSWP) 提交永久居留申请的申请者

A75 Bridging open work permits (BOWPs) 桥梁工签

A77 Start-up business class (SUV) permanent resident visa applicants SUV创业类永久居民申请者

(二)R205(b) Reciprocal employment exemption codes R205(b) 互惠就业豁免代码

C20 Reciprocal employment 互惠雇佣

C26 Coaches and Athletes 教练和运动员

C22 Academic exchanges (professors, visiting lecturers) 学术交换

C23 Performing arts 表演艺术

(三)R205(c) Designated by Minister


C31 Research 研究

C32 Educational co-op – post-secondary COOP实习工签(高中以上)

C33 Educational co-op – secondary level COOP实习工签(高中)

R205(c)(ii) Competitiveness and public policy exemption codes R205(c)(ii) 竞争力和公共政策豁免代码

C41 Spouses or common-law partners of high-skilled workers (TEER 0 through 3) 高技能工签的配偶或同居伴侣

C42 Spouses or common-law partners of full-time students 学签的配偶,我们读书配偶可以拿工签就来自于这条豁免

C43 Post-grad employment 毕业工签 PGWP 我们的毕业工签来自于这条豁免代码

C44 Post-doctoral Ph.D. fellows 博士后申请者

C46 Dependent child of a high-skilled worker (TEER 0 to 3) 高技能工签持有者的受抚养子女

C47 Spouse or common-law partner of a low-skilled worker (TEER 4 or 5) 低技能工签持有者的配偶或同居伴侣

C48 Dependent child of a low-skilled worker (TEER 4 or 5) 低技能工签持有者的受抚养子女

C49 Family members of Economic PR applicants 经济类永久居民的家庭成员

C52 Academic Award recipients 学术荣誉获奖者

(四)R205(d) Charitable or religious work exemption codes

C50 Religious work 宗教工作

C51 Charitable work 慈善类的工作,不一定是慈善类组织,比如一个公司组织去给原住民组织进行医生义诊,也属于这个范畴

四、R206: No other means of support

S61 Refugee claimants 难民申请人

S62 Persons under an unenforceable removal order 处于无法执行的遣返令下的人

五、R207: Permanent residence applicants in Canada PR申请者

(一)Permanent residence applicants 永久居民申请者

A70 Permanent residence applicants in Canada

包含住家保姆类别、加拿大类别的配偶或同居伴侣(资格通过后)、根据 A95(2) 受保护的人、A25 豁免(人道主义和同情理由)和上诉四种类别的家庭成员。

(二)R207.1: Vulnerable workers

A72 Family member of vulnerable worker 弱势群体工人及其家属

六、R208: Humanitarian reasons 人道主义理由

H81 Destitute students 由于家庭变故等原因无法

H82 Holders of a temporary resident permit valid for a minimum of six months 不长于6个月的TRP的持有者,主要是指inadmissibility 审核不通过而特批的人。



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